
Combat Dry Winter Hair

Dryness, one of  the ravages of Southern California winters, can do some serious damage to our hair. Hair can accumulate static electricity and even become brittle during the harsh winter months. If you don’t have a well balanced diet or use not-so-gentle products on your hair it doesn’t take much for the dry weather to damage it.   Preventative measures can ensure that your hair stays healthy and hydrated during the winter months. 
Get Regular Hair Haircuts: If you want to keep your hair looking great through the winter, you’ve got to start early.  Remember to maintain the health with regular trims and treatments through the winter. 
Alternate Conditioners: In addition to special treatments, it will help to change your daily hair care routine as well.  During the winter, try alternating your regular conditioner with an extra moisturizing one or even a leave-in conditioner. While you may benefit from simply switching, you’ll probably need to alternate daily or weekly to keep your hair from getting limp and weighed down by too much moisture. 
Deep Condition: Deep conditioning your hair during winter months is very essential. It gives your locks a moisture surge to prevent brittleness. They can be done at the salon, but you can spend a little extra time in the shower to do them yourself. 
Seal Your Cuticles: Dry hair causes your cuticles to lift up, making it look dull and damaged. Finish off your showers with a cold-water rinse. When blow-drying your hair, blast it with some cool air to help keep your cuticles smooth. 
Use a Serum or Style Prep: Serums and Style Preps smooth your hair and can also create a protective layer against harsh weather. Use it when your hair is wet before you blow-dry to make your hair shiny, or dab it on when it’s dry to keep flyaways down. It will also reduce your drying time by 30% 
Always Use a Heat Protector: Never use heat on your hair without applying a heat protector prior to doing so. This should actually be done at all times, not just during the winter 
Nutrition is Important: While treating your hair from the outside is great, it is also important to take steps to strengthen and soften it from the inside.  Vitamins like A, C, E, and various B vitamins can all help improve hair quality.  The best is to eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and “good” fats, but you can boost your hair (and your health) by adding a daily multivitamin. 
Drink Plenty of Water: Just like your skin, your hair gets its moisture from your body.  That means that if you want to keep your hair hydrated, you have to keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water. 
Don’t Forget Your Scalp!: Most people forget about their scalp, but during the winter it’s important to keep your scalp moisturized. Not only does an unhealthy scalp cause annoying problems like dandruff, your scalp is where the hair gets its moisture and life.  If the skin isn’t healthy, it’s likely that the hair isn’t either.  Be sure to use products that moisturize the skin and hair on your head.  Another good tip is to massage your scalp regularly to keep the roots stimulated and growing.